Rondeau Bay Waterfowlers Association (RBWA) is a not-for-profit organization comprised of a volunteer membership, with open monthly meetings to discuss topics related to Rondeau and surrounding area. The RBWA works toward our Mission in co-operation with Ontario Parks, the OFAH, & the OMNRF.
Provide and enhance controlled public waterfowl hunting opportunities of the highest quality in Rondeau Bay.
Promote, encourage, and engage in recreational activity of waterfowl hunting.
Encourage, promote, and engage in undertakings designed to aid in the protection and conservation of waterfowl, fish and other wildlife and the natural habitats.
Each year RBWA volunteers dedicate untold hours toward accomplishing the objectives of the Association. These tasks range from Earth Day clean up, blind construction, maintenance, and installation, volunteering Rondeau Park events, engaging in the local community, hold an annual fundraising dinner, organize an annual youth hunt, and many other opportunities as they arise.
The RBWA partners with local and regional groups as well as provincial bodies to complete large scale projects with a focus on improving Rondeau Bay and surrounding area while addressing the objectives of the Associations mission.
We work to protect public hunting interests and access for hunters, both present and future.
Through our partnership with OFAH we require all members of RBWA to be members of OFAH in good standing. We are able to offer both memberships concurrently.
Members in good standing also enjoy a reduced rate on A-Zone Daily Hunting Permits.
If you are interested in becoming a member please download our Membership Form and contact our Membership Chair listed on the Contact Us page.
Further information is available on the A-Zone operating procedures by either viewing our Information Booklet or choosing to Download the booklet and maps for offline viewing.
Wigeon in Rondeau Provincial Park.
Further information is available on the B-Zone operating procedures by either viewing our Information Booklet or choosing to Download the booklet and maps for offline viewing.
Rondeau Bay Waterfowlers' Association
Rondeau Bay Waterfowlers' Association 18050 Rondeau Park Rd. Morpeth, ON N0P 1X0 CA